+62 821 1213 7269
+62 815 1915 1989

Graha Antanawa 28B
Jl. Antariksa 1 Cipedak
Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan
DKI Jakarta 12630

Kenapa Saldo Saya Nol?

Puslapdik - Kemendikbud
Program Indonesia Pintar
Creative Services, Media Buying

A financial institution faced a significant challenge: widespread public confusion and concern regarding why PIP balances were showing as zero. This misunderstanding led to a surge in customer service inquiries, negatively impacting client trust and operational efficiency.


Explain to PIP recipients why their balance is empty, and check it via the Si Pintar mobile application.


A comprehensive Public Service Announcement (PSA) campaign was launched. The campaign's strategy is Educational Content Creation: Developed easy-to-understand materials explaining the reasons behind zero PIP balances, to diverse learning preferences.


The PSA campaign led to remarkable outcomes, significantly enhancing public understanding of the reasons behind zero PIP balances.