+62 821 1213 7269
+62 815 1915 1989

Graha Antanawa 28B
Jl. Antariksa 1 Cipedak
Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan
DKI Jakarta 12630

Mamasuka Menyapa

PT Daesang Agung Indonesia
Mamasuka Rumput Laut
Creative Services, Media Buying, Brand Activation

Mamasuka, a prominent food brand specializing in seaweed products, faced the challenge of establishing a strong market presence and driving sales in major urban centers. Despite the high quality of their products, Mamasuka struggled to capture the attention of urban consumers and differentiate themselves in a competitive market.


The primary objective was to increase brand awareness and sales of Mamasuka Seaweed products in big cities, targeting urban consumers with a penchant for healthy and convenient food options.


To address the challenge, a multi-faceted marketing strategy, dubbed "Mamasuka Menyapa" (Mamasuka Greets), was implemented. This campaign was designed to directly engage with the target audience through several key initiatives:

  1. Digital Marketing Overhaul: A comprehensive digital marketing strategy was deployed, focusing on social media platforms popular among urban consumers. This included targeted ads, influencer partnerships, and engaging content that highlighted the health benefits and versatility of Mamasuka Seaweed products.
  2. Interactive Pop-Up Events: Organized in high foot-traffic areas within the cities, these events allowed consumers to taste Mamasuka Seaweed products, participate in cooking demonstrations, and interact directly with the brand, fostering a personal connection.
  3. Customer Feedback Loop: An integrated feedback system was set up to gather consumer insights, allowing for continuous refinement of products and marketing strategies based on real-time data.


The "Mamasuka Menyapa" campaign yielded significant results within the first six months of implementation:

  • Brand Awareness: Social media engagement increased by 150%, with a notable rise in brand mentions and positive sentiment across platforms.
  • Sales Growth: Most importantly, there was a 40% increase in sales of Mamasuka Seaweed products in urban markets, surpassing initial targets and establishing a strong foothold in the competitive landscape.